HJS Kits over 250,000 units a Year

HJS provides a full range of kitting and assembly services for large and small manufacturers and OEMs:

HJS assembles and packages small mechanical parts, electrical components, rubber products or packaged liquids in an endless variety of retail display or service kits.

From auto-bagging and boxing, to blister packs and clamshells, HJS can design and package the right kit for your needs.

Tune-up, oil change and audio repair are some of the kits we develop for companies every day. Each kit contains multiple components, giving the customer everything they need to complete a task.


With 60+ years of combined industry experience sourcing, stocking the components and developing custom packaging, to assembling the kits, maintaining inventory and fulfilling customer orders, we make the process simple for you while bringing value to your customers. You simply focus on keeping the demand for the products growing.

Contact HJS to learn more about how we can create custom kitting for your products.

Get a Custom Kitting Quote Today!

    Customer Success

    HJS has worked with Harley-Davidson for over a decade saving the company millions of dollars with regional distribution by warehousing, fulfilling, and some cases owning inventory of aftermarket or out of date parts and accessories.

    How can we help you? Contact us at 866-549-4898 today.